Pacific Puddle Jump
From the Americas to French Polynesia

Supported by
Latitude 38

What is it?

The Pacific Puddle Jump — since 1997

Annual wind and weather patterns in the eastern Pacific Ocean make the months of March, April, and May the ideal time for sailors to cross from the West Coast of the Americas to the exotic archipelagos of French Polynesia. 

Back in 1997, the name Pacific Puddle Jump was coined by editors at Latitude 38 magazine to describe this 3,000-4,000-mile ocean crossing, and they began reporting on the offshore adventures of each year’s fleet.

Now owned by former Latitude 38 editor Andy Turpin, the Pacific Puddle Jump today has evolved into one of the world’s largest offshore sailing rallies, typically drawing boats and sailors from many nations who set sail individually between late February and early June, from various West Coast ports.

Focused on safety and fleet-wide camaraderie, the PPJ has a minimum of rules. However, all crews are requested to check in daily with rally organizers, giving their position and status reports via some form of satellite messaging device. (Fleet members may opt-in or opt-out of receiving satellite messaging from other Puddle Jump fleet members.)

Although the PPJ is not specifically intended to be a discount program, a variety of discounts and special promotions on related goods and services are offered to registered fleet members. Also, several PPJ send-off events are organized each year in Mexico and Panama.

Many Pacific Puddle Jump veterans have told us that joining the rally and making the crossing was one of the greatest adventures of their lives. We encourage you to follow in their wake, but only if you and your vessel are well prepared to meet the challenges of this ambitious crossing. 

PPJ 2025

February 15 in Panama

February 19 in Puerto Vallarta

Tahiti - Moorea
Sailing Rendezvous July 4-7, 2025

The PPJ is a proud partner &
promoter of the annual Tahiti
Moorea Sailing Rendezvous

Go to the website for Info...

French Polynesia Guide
2024-2025 Yellow Flag
Guide to French Polynesia